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*America's Premier Independent Advisors for Professional Athletes*

What do professional athletes need?

  • Trustworthy and knowledgeable advisory experts.
  • Experts who understand the challenges presented with success.
  • Experts who do not have a financial interest in their earnings, assets or investments.
  • Experts who can approach each situation with specialized, professional and unbiased advice.
  • Experts who possess in-depth knowledge and can develop personalized strategies for their success. 

Based on statistical data, many professional athletes go from "Broke to Bling to Broke".

E-mail:  info@proathleteadvisorsgroup.com                                                                                                     

Woodbridge: 203.387.1574 | Greenwich: 203.542.7288 | Manhattan: 212.829.4341 | White Plains: 914.705.5519 | Fort Lee: 201.490.1037